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Our classes are rooted in the history of Goju-Ryu Karate as a Traditional Martial Art. There is discipline, etiquette and hard training, but often in a relaxed atmosphere. 



Kata is often described as a set sequence of karate moves organized into a pre-arranged fight against imaginary opponents. More appropriately, each technique within a kata is a stand alone technique which may be applied to a wide variety of circumstances, which with sufficient practice will enable the Karateka to defend him or herself.

The kata consists of kicks, punches, sweeps, strikes, blocks, and throws. Body movement in kata includes stepping, twisting and turning, all of which have practical interpretations, whilst allowing the individual karateka to practice full techniques, while paying particular attention to form and timing (rhythm.) Emphasis is also placed on the health benefits of practising kata, promoting fitness while keeping the body soft, supple, and agile.

Great importance and practice is placed on the practical application of these techniques, known as “Bunkai”.



Kumite, or sparring, is the further practical application of basic techniques and kata to real opponents. Kumite develops in intensity, through training. Kumite within the dojo has no relationship to sport karate. In Kumite any and all techniques are valid, with the emphasis and mindset to ensure that whatever techniques are used, they are done so with maximum power and intention to protect oneself and end the confrontation as soon as possible.  Punches, knife hand strikes, headbutt, locks, takedowns, kicks, etc to any part of the body. In competition; certain regulations apply, certain techniques are valid, and certain target areas are restricted (such as the joints or throat). The purpose of competition is to score points through the application of Kumite principles while creating an exciting and competitive atmosphere, whereas the purpose of training Kumite in the dojo is to ensure survival in a realistic situation, where one’s own life is threatened. Much emphasis is placed on the practical effectiveness of techniques in terms of self defence.



Basic training involves the learning and development of a variety of defending and attacking techniques. At Hagakure Karate Club, the emphasis is on speed, hard and soft techniques, power and the ability to react. Techniques include punches, kicks, use of elbows and knees, as well as open hand techniques.


The classes cater for all fitness levels, ages and genders, but do fit an approach of building strength, stamina and fitness for the benefit of you and your Karate development. 


A typical class may involve drilling the basics to warm up. The basics build a strong foundation, and so can always be developed. After this, the class may split off into self-defence focussed sessions (where you drill on slightly more realistic scenarios), or it may be more syllabus based (where you train for your level, building on the movements and their applications).


Sparring and weapons defence can also be a key part to our training. We find it important to build on the full roster in order to properly develop as a Martial Artist.

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